
2021 Challenge

Waterway Cleanup

The world’s water supports an abundance of the earth’s life and serves as a vital resource for all of us. The health and safety of these waterways are threatened by waste ranging from floating “garbage patches to dangerous submerged explosives. The 2021 SeaPerch mission is inspired by real-life circumstances where ROVs can assist us in cleanup efforts.

Since 2011, SeaPerch program has been managed by RoboNation (The Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Foundation – AUVSIF), and continues to expand nationally.

Mandatory Milestones

Engineering Design

Describe the intentional design process you complete for your SeaPerch ROV. This report should include all required sections in the template and provide judges with an understanding of your unique SeaPerch design and your team's approach to developing this design. The application for your SeaPerch should be clearly described in the "Task Overview" section of your report. We expect to receive from you an Engineering Design:

For more information check:

Team Interview

We want to connect and hear directly from you. All teams competing at the Challenge will sign up for a 15 minute offline interview during the competition with our SeaPerch judges.

Teams will have 10 minutes to answer a minimum of two questions about their SeaPerch ROV design or their team approach A list of the possible questions is provided in Interview Rules. The final 5 minutes of each interview will include open Q&A, discussion, and judge feedback.

For more information check:

Pool Courses

Mission course

Waterway Cleanup challenges teams to assist with cleanup efforts in a particularly polluted waterway. Teams must disarm and secure underwater mines, remove trash floating on the water's surface, and dispose of submerged waste in an underwater vault.

For more information keep your eye on our Website where Additional resources coming in early 2021 (Instructions, scoring documents, and submission information for this event will be provided in early 2021)

Optional Bonus to Collect

Real World Innovation

Identify a real-world issue and design a SeaPerch to address the issue. Create a virtual poster to tell us all about your project. Poster submissions can include anything from a conceptual design to a full project that you completed in the real world.

You have three options:

Real World Innovation Milestones:

Community & Outreach

It’s time to give back. Whether you volunteer your time in your community or your team finds a way to connect and offer support online, we want to hear about it. No project is too big or small.

Write about your SeaPerch ROV design, take some photos and videos, and let our community know about it through publishing them on the Underwater Robotics

We expect to receive from you a Written statement (with photos and videos as applicable).